How do I import/export my data?

We recommend using the Smuggler tool to manage exporting from or importing to a RavenHQ database. For documentation of the complete set of Smuggler options, please view the RavenDB Smuggler documentation.


Raven.Smuggler out export.ravendump 

This will export all indexes, documents, and attachments in MyTestDatabase to a file named export.ravendump.

NOTE: This process specifically excludes a number of documents that should not be included when exporting from a RavenHQ database. It is important to exclude those documents, as it will cause issues if they are present during the import process.


Raven.Smuggler in export.ravendump 
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  • 0
    Nigel Ainscoe

    This exports the data into a binary form (BSON?). It would be useful to have an indication here of how it can be converted to a human readable form. When I try and sell this whacky Document DB idea to a more traditional and conservative business they will likely want to see their data come back from the cloud ;-)

    There is no mention of this in the main RavenDB impot/export documentation either.

    Kind regards,

    Nigel Ainscoe

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    Manuel Ornato

    +1 for a text based export (xml, json, csv, whatever). It's important to have the feeling we can easily get our data out of ravenHQ if ever needed.

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    Dan Bishop

    Manuel, the .dump file generated by Raven.Smuggler is just gzipped JSON, so you should be able to get your plain-text data from there.

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    Kamran Ayub

    I'm getting a 404, both from the Studio (import) and the smuggler. I'm on Raven 2750, but I exported and then tried 2708 (current HQ build) Smuggler to no avail.

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    It does not work for me. I used to import to a local db fine, but when importing to ravenhq I get 'Input string was not in correct format' error

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